Events and MeetUps

Find here a list of varied events our CSN members organize across the globe.
From panel discussions with CSN Breakfast, to webinars with CSN Webcast, group workshop with a CS expert with our CSN MasterClass, or small gatherings with other CS peers via our CSN Cafes, you will find the format you are looking for, and learn incredibly useful and actionable tips to grow in Customer Success.


CSN Breakfast: building executive-level relationships that last

Join us for this panel discussion with three CS experts to understand how to build and execute a successful Executive Engagement Program.Every CS team has faced the situation when: your champion suddenly left, your client's Executive has different objectives in mind and your account is now at risk. Don't wait for this situation to happen […]

Digital CSN Cafe Manchester

Digital Customer Success Cafe ManchesterWe are proud to be launching and hosting the a range Digital Manchester Customer Success Cafes for 2021 ? ? ?. This Cafe is designed for Customer Success Professionals of all levels to meet, discuss challenges and share best practices in the industry in the morning virtually over a cuppa ☕️These […]

Customer Success Café Finland – The Scaling Edition

Scaling: we all want to do it, we all talk about it, but how...? Where do you begin, what are your wins?Welcome to the next edition of the Finland Customer Success Café! This is an event for SaaS business professionals looking to share knowledge to help solve practical Customer Success challenges in their businesses, and […]

CSN Cafe Oslo

An informal monthly catch up for Customer Success Managers of all levels to meet virtually, discuss challenges over a coffee.This cafe is designed for Customer Success Professionals of all levels to meet, discuss challenges and share best practices in the industry virtually over a cuppa ☕️These cafe's provide a great opportunity to build your connections […]

Digital CSN Cafe Dublin

An informal monthly catch up for Customer Success Managers of all levels to meet virtually, discuss challenges over a coffee.This cafe is designed for Customer Success Professionals of all levels to meet, discuss challenges and share best practices in the industry virtually over a cuppa ☕️These cafe's provide a great opportunity to build your connections […]

CSN Cafe Oxford

An informal monthly catch up for Customer Success Managers of all levels to meet, discuss challenges and drink coffee. Stay as long as yourAn informal monthly catch up for Customer Success Managers of all levels to meet, discuss challenges and drink coffee. Stay as long as your diary allows.Please buy tickets only for yourself. We've […]

CSN Café Lyon – 4 Mars 2021

Customer Success Café Lyon - en ligneL'équipe vous propose un café en ligne pour continuer à échanger sur nos sujets chaudsNous vous enverrons le lien vers un Google Meet la veille de l'évènement.


An informal monthly catch up for Customer Success Managers of all levels to meet virtually, discuss challenges over a coffee.This cafe is designed for Customer Success Professionals of all levels to meet, discuss challenges and share best practices in the industry virtually over a cuppa ☕️These cafe's provide a great opportunity to build your connections […]

CSN Cafe Barcelona

An informal monthly catch up for Customer Success Managers of all levels to meet virtually, discuss challenges over a coffee.This cafe is designed for Customer Success Professionals of all levels to meet, discuss challenges and share best practices in the industry virtually over a cuppa ☕️These cafe's provide a great opportunity to build your connections […]

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